Finding the questions to discovery


“What am I discovering?”

Discover means to uncover what always existed but may not have been known.  As you make a find, you can invent something no one has made.  Think about it, you can be the first to invent something from what is “uncovered”.

When you discover anything, especially things about yourself, you only find what already existed.  You are not the Creator, but a re-creator.  The trick however is making it a fun experience. The word re-create can be RECREATIONAL!

How about inventing a mantra?
“In my RECREATION, I’ll Re-Create!”

So Let’s Begin!

What times started out as treasure hunts,
but ended in wild goose chases?

What latent abilities have you dreamed about doing,
but quickly faded back into your subconscious?

What areas of discovery has become your dread?
Do you take “working vacations” or vacations at work?

And if yes, in either case, what has been the mitigating causes that disrupts the idea and plans of being in company with yourself, or with others?
If you took yourself on an outing, how would you rate yourself?

CONCLUSION:  Have Fun! Not just have fun.  Invent Fun.  Make fun out of discovery.  Don’t take life so seriously, you might not make it out alive.
-Laugh, that was a joke.

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