No Pain, No Promotion!

Is it possible to hurt the ones you love and still call it love?

Pain, Perplexity and Promotion Book Cover

Before you drag this though through your theological wash and rinse cycle of apologetics and hermeneutics, Bob Sorge not only establishes this argument through the canonical practices but speaks from first-hand experience from his own embodiment of suffering.

This work establishes the right foundations toward viewing the Bible in its proper chronological view.  The term Bob uses is the “Law of Firsts”.  Although most of us have been taught and observe scriptures from Genesis to Revelations; Pain, Perplexity and Promotion demolishes this notion by laying new perspectives to the Book of Job as being the first written text even before Moses penned the first five books of the Bible.

This easy read is a must read for every believer who calls themselves worshipers of God.  Some may find that the love of God displayed toward the upstanding life of Job to be unfounded and morbid, but some may find it as a release from perplexity in dealing with lifelong anguish with no basis or explanation as to WHY.

The why, really, is because he loves you -so it is said!? 

But you won’t count it joy unless you count on the “painful” accounts of Job.

Hurt so God…Damn to Goddamn!

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