Convert’sation to the double-minded


When should I
Take delight
With a fallen foe
With a failed device

When should I
Wish thee well
When all has forsaken
When scorn is thy veil

When should I
Count it all joy
When joy has come
When it has departed

When should I
Should I win
Revel and squander
Store up and not spend

When should I
Stop and refrain
When I run out of ink
When ideas elude my brain

When is a good time


A rut is a path carved out through repetition of travel. It eventually develops into a small furrow. Caution, some can become grave plots. Others can become wells, profitable mines or Main Street.

Many a man are buried in their tombs of fortune and have no taste of it in the afterlife. I would venture to guess they are cursed with the last thoughts of their folly. When it was in their capacity to do so they didn’t take precaution.

Thinking man! You do well to ponder and reason. But to never end and settle a matter, is like building on quicksand and trying to hold water in your hand. Remember this advice, a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways and the crippling blow is brought to indecisive minds.

Analysis Paralysis is cured by action.

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